Harare – The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) notes with great concern the ongoing incidents of intimidation, harassment and violence against foreign nationals, including the brutal killing of Elvis Nyathi, a father of four children, in Diepsloot in the Johannesburg metropolitan area as a domestic worker.
The murder of Nyathi came after the locals had earlier protested against increased numbers of crimes in their area which they said were being committed by foreign nationals. South Africa is home to millions of immigrants, mainly from Lesotho, Namibia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc. However, violence does not necessarily result in the reduction of the crime rate but rather adds to the already high numbers which is against what South African locals are fighting for.
In the recent past, movements such as Put South Africans First and Operation Dudula have forced immigrants who they suspected to be undocumented/illegal to produce their papers. Inasmuch as the locals are doing what they feel is right, it is of utmost importance to be guided accordingly and respect the Constitution of South Africa.
It is crucial to note that the South African Government has ratified several international human rights and refugee instruments that are an integral part of national law. In this regard, the human rights of all persons residing in South Africa regardless of nationality must be respected.
The association stands by recent statements by both Zimbabwean and South African Government representations who have come out and condemned actions of violence against foreign nationals. The government of South Africa has also urged its citizens to respect the rule of law and not take the law into their own hands. The denunciations are greatly appreciated but we are urging both governments to find sustainable means to deal with the issue at hand.
For interviews and media enquiries, please contact Dr Lamiel BK Phiri, NANGO Board Chairperson at lamielbkp@gmail.com or +263772394631.