Harare – The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO), the umbrella body of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) operating in Zimbabwe joins the rest of the African continent in celebrating Africa Day. On the 25th of May 1963, Africa made history by establishing the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) the precursor to the African Union (AU). The day is intended to celebrate and acknowledge the coming together of African states as they sought to achieve greater unity across the continent, and accelerate the political, economic and socio-cultural integration of Africa as a whole. Thus, as we commemorate this day, we are indeed celebrating the successes of AU in the fight against colonialism and apartheid, as well as the progress that Africa has made since the establishment of AU in 1963.
NANGO recognises the numerous instrument that have been developed by the continent in a bid to deal with the political, economic, social and trade challenges. Of note are the Agenda 2030, Agenda 2063, Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP) among others. These instruments are key to addressing extreme poverty, inequalities, conflicts and diseases on the continent. However, the implementation of these instruments was heavily disrupted by the novel coronavirus which started in December 2019. The progress that the continent had made in successfully implementing these strategies has been lost and the continent sees itself once more grappling with extreme poverty, poor living standards due to poor economies, high inequalities and increased levels of conflicts. At the moment, there exists increased conflicts across the continent due high levels of immigration as people have been forced to look for greener pastures elsewhere. As an association, we continue to request governments to find sustainable means to address these issues.
To note is the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) that was established by government of the AU and heads of state at their 18th Ordinary Session which fits well with the Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This acts as an instrumental strategy if successfully implemented and domesticated since it will result in economic growth of the continent. The African Development Bank (AFDB) estimates that if fully implemented it could boost Africa’s income by $450 billion, bring 30 million people out of poverty and raise the incomes of 68 million others who live on less than #5.50 a day. Further, the AFDB forecasts benefits such as industrialisation, increased FDI flows, reduced dumping and unfair trade practices, structural transformation and sustained growth. Thus, we advocate for the duly domestication and implementation of the ACFTA so as to achieve the Agenda 2063 and an integrated prosperous and peaceful continent.
We note that the continent, besides the coronavirus pandemic, is also suffering from the effects of climate change as evidenced by increases in natural disasters with the Southern Africa region hit by five storms after being hit by Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth in 2019. Even though these disasters occurred in different periods, they left devastating impacts on the continent with families separated with their loved ones, property destroyed, millions displaced and thousands killed. Thus, the continent is still trying to recover from these deadly storms yet the of concern is that the World Meteorological Organisation warned that up to 12 cyclones could hit Southern Africa before the end of the season.
As we celebrate Africa Day, we also take cognisant of these challenges that ravage our societies resulting in socially, economically, politically and environmentally dysfunctional societies. The unity that was demonstrated by our founding fathers, who set the foundation of the AU unity and inclusion is still as important today as it was back then. We encourage our governments to accelerate implementation of the continental instruments, which are critical in transforming our continent into the Africa We Want.
Africa is blessed with natural minerals and human resources that are key in contributing towards inclusive and sustainable development where all segments of the societies realise their social, economic, political rights in a progressive manner. We reiterate the need for more inclusive democratic processes that ensure that ‘No One is Left Behind’ and ‘No Place is left Behind’ by including women, youths, children, persons with disabilities, indigenes, elderly, amongst other disenfranchised groups and marginalised places/states. We also reiterate the need for the continent to develop effective disaster management and relief policies so as to cater for the people affected by natural disasters.
As Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) we are heavily concerned about politically motivated violence, stifling legal frameworks targeting civic organisations, politicisation of public offices, high levels of corruption, lack of transparency and accountability, legal frameworks stifling freedom of speech and freedom of the press as well as lack of trust between governments, its people and CSOs. These factors contribute significantly to shrinkage of civic and democratic space across Africa. The continent should ensure that there is a conducive civil society operating environment and strengthened synergies between government and civil society as the two stakeholders are key in driving development in Africa.
NANGO is the officially recognised coordinating body of NGOs operating in Zimbabwe. It is the largest umbrella body for Non-Governmental Organisations and was established in 1962. It is a non-partisan, non-profit making organisation and non-denominational coordinating body of NGOs in Zimbabwe. It is mandated by its membership to coordinate the activities of NGOs, represent the NGO sector and strengthen the voice of NGOs in Zimbabwe. Hunger in Africa should be confronted collectively and nutrition is key to a healthy population thus our focus in 2022. Here is to Africa on our Day.
For further engagement during this period please don’t hesitate to get in touch with NANGO Acting Executive Director Ernest Nyimai at director.nango@gmail.com, NANGO Board Chairperson Lamiel BK Phiri at lamielbkp@gmail.com or NANGO Board Secretary Michael Ndiweni at bulawayovendors@gmail.com.