31 May 2021
The French Embassy in Zimbabwe is launching its first call for proposals “Support to the resilience of vulnerable populations to economic and climate challenges” aimed at supporting Zimbabwean civil society organizations working in these areas.
This tool, dedicated to civil society’s action, belongs to the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and is named “Innovative Projects from Civil Societies and Coalitions of Actors (PISCCA)”. In Zimbabwe, the French Embassy will implement it for 2 years (2021-2022) and a total amount of 600 000 USD.
This call for proposals aims more specifically to support small scale initiatives, 3 to 12 months between 10 000 USD and 50 000 USD, implemented by small and medium-sized CSO’s that address the following two themes :
The Resilience of Agricultural Systems to Climate Change and Food Insecurity
Given the increase in food insecurity in the country, the French Embassy wishes to support local and associative dynamics that aim to adapt agricultural systems to the climatic reality, with the ultimate objective of improving the living conditions of rural populations.
The Empowerment of Women to Promote their Civic, Social and Economic Rights
Gender equality is a priority for French development cooperation, which makes it a requirement for every project. By focusing on women’s social and economic integration, the French Embassy wants to be more involved with civic associations that work with this goal. To this end, particular attention will be paid to projects targeting workers in the informal sector.
Our objective with this call for proposal is also to strengthen the capacity of CSO’s in implementing local projects and initiatives.
All CSO’s interested have to submit their concept note before the 30th of June.
How to Apply
To apply, please download the concept note on the link below