26 Feb 2019

The Minister of Justice and Parliamentary Affairs has welcomed self regulation of Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs), an initiative that will improve the quality of services provided by NGOs by helping NGOs to adopt high standards of conduct and to devise efficient decision-making processes.

The Minister of Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, Ziyambi Ziyambi, said “Like any other institution there should be a policy that outlines the regulation of NGOs one that should not be imposed but crafted by NGOs themselves.”

The minister added that he wants to gain a fuller understanding of the operations of NGOs in the new dispensation.

 “I am studying how my office can relook at the work that NGOs are doing because I intend to fully appreciate NGO work in Zimbabwe. There are some NGOs that have been doing things that are not patriotic and this brings the need for a policy that is guided by the constitution,” he said.

The minister said this at a meeting requested by the National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) to forge the best way to work together with the ministry and build meaningful synergies for the enhancement of justice, law and order in Zimbabwe.

NANGO has always believed that the best form of regulation of the NGO community is self-regulation and not heavy-handed government regulation. By taking responsibility for ensuring the NGOs adhere to commonly accepted standards, the NGO community is engaging in a system of self-regulation, self-governance and self-discipline. Without such a system in place, the government will intercede to regulate this sector.

The purpose of self regulation will certainly not be to constrain or hinder NGOs from carrying out their socially beneficial work; it will simply articulate the common value system of NGOs and try to provide a set of common standards to which NGOs can subscribe. These standards are designed to strengthen the NGO sector, improve the quality and impact of the service delivery by NGOs and increase transparency and accountability by NGOs.

Self regulation will outline norms, principles and values which can be used to ensure ethical behaviour by all those involved in NGO activity. It provides that NGOs as are voluntary, not-for-profit, non self-serving, non-governmental, non-partisan and independent organisations which are involved in the promotion of social justice and development.

NGOs have been in the forefront of the campaign to make governments and private corporations more open, transparent and accountable for their activities. NGOs themselves should therefore ensure that they too perform their work in an open, transparent and accountable manner. Strengthening accountability increases legitimacy among the public, policy makers and the donor community. 

Minister Ziyambi met with NANGO National Board Chairperson, Wadzanayi Vere, leader of the children’s sector Rev. Taylor Nyanhete, Northern Region Boad Chairperson, Ronika Mumbire, and the Executive Director, Leonard Mandishara.
