7 Dec 2018
Research – An overview of the Agribusiness Sector In Zimbabwe: A Focus on the Horticultural Sector
Deadline: 21 December 2018 (12.00 hours)
The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO) and its partners, i.e the SMAIAS. SAPST, ZAN & ZiCHIRe seeks proposals from Consultants to carry out an overview of the Agribusiness sector in Zimbabwe with a specific focus on the horticultural sector and publish a research paper from the findings.
The agricultural sector remains the pillar of the economy in Zimbabwe and recent policy pronouncements by the Government of Zimbabwe that the country is open for business and that export oriented agriculture will play critical role have heightened expectations within and without boarders that agribusiness firms will play a central role in the country’s agricultural development. With debates ensuring in policy and academic circles over the likely impact of agribusiness investments, it becomes imperative to undertake a study to examine the state of the agribusiness sector in Zimbabwe. Experiences in other African countries such as Mozambique which underwent a liberalisation path have shown the rapacious nature of some of the investments on one hand while some other examples reflect economic development largely driven by the agricultural sector. Given the underperformance of the agricultural sector since following the implementation of the Fast Track Land Resettlement Programme (FTLRP), it becomes crucial to examine the agriculture policy environment in the context of a liberalised agenda. The conditions which allow farmers to access external markets are also critical to examine as they impact on the overall well-being of farmers.
The research is intended to evaluate the overall policy framework on agricultural investment and growth and go on to identify agribusiness firms involved in the horticultural sector. The study must also ascertain the level of agribusiness support to smallholders, scale of smallholder farmers involved in the horticultural sector. A thorough assessment of the input and output market is expected from the researcher and recommendations how smallholder participation in the horticultural sector can be enhanced.
Apart from key informant interviews and / or focus group discussions, the Consultant will conduct a desk review of existing data, reports other studies and various documents which include EU documents on the state of agriculture in Zimbabwe, the EU NIP Zimbabwe documents, prior research papers into the area of study as well as reports from SMAIAS. Where possible, interviews with agribusiness firms, relevant government and EU officials as well as some programme beneficiaries will be conducted to corroborate desk research findings.
Organization of Work
The consultant will: Work closely with SMAIAS and NANGO secretariat and other project partners; Report to the Project Coordinator
The researcher is expected to submit the following reports:
a) First draft – following completion of the data sources, the researcher will submit a draft report on findings for review by NANGO and the technical team (Agriculture-based economic development & research sector) within the agreed time frame.
b) Final draft – one week after NANGO and the technical team have reviewed the first draft and communicated comments to the researcher, the Consultant will produce the final research report for publication.
Qualifications, Skills and Experience of the Researcher
The following skills, experience and competencies are required: At least a Masters level qualification in a relevant discipline such as Development Studies or Agricultural Economics and must have extensive knowledge and experience in Agrarian Studies;
To apply
Interested Consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their suitability for the assignment: Technical Proposal detailing proposed methodology of work and approach; Financial proposal in USD and a work plan; Detailed Curricula Vitae including past relevant experience; 3 (three) contactable references;
Proposal submissions in sealed envelopes marked CSO NIP RESEARCH must reach the following address by 12:00 hours on 9 November 2018: NANGO Head Office, 15 Bodle Avenue, Eastlea, Harare. Alternatively, applications can be submitted electronically to programsmanager.nango@gmail.com cc: info.nangozim@gmail.com