NANGO is the secretariat to the Church and Civil Society Forum (CCSF) from the time of its inception in May 2009. In this capacity, NANGO has facilitated grants management, meetings with members of the CCSF and the Organ to discuss modalities of cooperation; facilitated five regional consultative meetings between the Organ on National Healing and broader civil society during November 2009 and February 2010; commissioned the drafting of an initial research paper on National Healing in 2009 which was used as baseline ahead of the consultative meetings with the Organ on National Healing, AND Reconciliation and Integration.

CCSF has facilitated engagement between the Church and CSO constituencies with like-minded organisations with the view of strengthening the campaign for peace in Zimbabwe. CCSF presented the working National Healing Framework paper titled “Zimbabwe National Healing and Reconciliation Framework’, to the Organ for National Healing and Integration (ONHRI) in 2009. An initial National Healing discussion paper finalised in 2010 provided a solid basis for the development of a 5-year strategic plan for CCSF involving supporting members involved in implementing community and national level interventions on violence prevention and peace-building work.

CCSF has since January 2012 supported both national and community interventions aimed at fostering peace and prevention of violence. This has been utilised through clustering activities based on a similar thematic focus and the approach has been utilised for facilitating the implementation of capacity building in conflict management at a community level, creation of peace initiatives, and commissioning of research papers.
