The Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) joins the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and workers, the world over, in commemorating the International Workers’ Day! It is worrying that this year Workers’ Day is being commemorated in the midst of a deep socio-economic crisis in Zimbabwe, worsened by neo-liberal policies being implemented under the “Austerity for Prosperity” mantra. This has caused untold suffering to the workers in Zimbabwe due to continually rising cost of living further eroding wages and salaries. Already, first days of implementation of the Austerity for Prosperity has seen massive macroeconomic recession manifesting through many tax heads being introduced targeting the citizens and the worker, skyrocketing prices of basic commodities, macroeconomic distortions and foreign exchange shortages. Historical evidence, locally, regionally and internationally proves that austerity measures are not a solution to the material conditions of the working class instead they entrenches poverty, income and other forms of inequality.
The market economy promotes labour market flexibility weakening trade unions along the way, as well as promoting the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few for example it is estimated that in 2018, the richest Zimbabwean’s wealth was worth USD1,4billion1 while the poorest was worth USD2002.