The National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO), a coordinating body of 1270 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) operating in Zimbabwe, values the need for a vibrant, strong, and free civil society, essential in advancing sustainable development through democracy and good governance. The 'Whole of Society' approach adopted by the Government of Zimbabwe affirms that, 'CSOs are independent development actors in their own right, playing a vital role in advocating respect for human rights, in shaping development policies and in overseeing their implementation.' However, the current legal, administrative, and policy pronouncements by the government are inhibitive in forwarding the interests of CSOs operating in Zimbabwe. Legislations governing CSOs in Zimbabwe have increasingly become more restrictive with the enactment of new laws or amendments that curtail civil society activities and compromise their autonomy such as the Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO) Amendment Bill of 2021. These include excessive and expensive administrative procedures in the areas of advocacy, human rights, or other democracy and governance-related interventions. From NANGO's perspective, it is imperative for CSOs to collectively dialogue on how to safeguard the operating environment even in a very complex and restrictive context. Joint action by CSOs is also essential to strengthen security and protection mechanisms to safeguard the civic space. Sustainable development and democracy cannot be achieved in the absence of a robust and independent civil society or respect for human rights and human dignity. To read more, download the attachment below:
The Private Voluntary Organisation Amendment Bill (hereinafter the “Amendment Bill”) was gazetted on 5 November 2021. Its memorandum stipulates three objectives of the Amendment Bill. Firstly, the Amendment Bill seeks to ensure Zimbabwe's compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendation 8 regarding money laundering and terrorism financing. Secondly, the Amendment Bill aims to streamline administrative procedures for Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) to allow for efficient regulation and registration. Thirdly, the Amendment Bill aims to ensure that PVOs do not undertake political lobbying. Further to the initial Amendment Bill, on the 7th of June 2022, the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare submitted significant amendments to the gazetted 2021 Amendment Bill on the National Assembly Order Paper. A cursory analysis of the amendments reveal that when passed into law, this piece of legislation will present grim operational restrictions and challenges to all Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Zimbabwe working in different sectors. However, these challenges will differ depending on the current form of registration of the organisation, i.e., PVO, Trust or Common Law Universitas and depending on the focus of the work being carried out by the organisation. Consequently, CSOs are vulnerable and at risk of being deregistered and closed when the Amendment Bill is assented into law. Against this backdrop, this report also examines both amendments (those published on 5 November 2021 and amendments submitted on 7 June 2022) for purposes of ascertaining the likely implications of the amendments on different types of CSOs (i.e., Trusts, PVOs or Universitas). The report also recognises the operational challenges that will affect CSOs and therefore maps scenario and present recommendations for planning purposes. To read more, please download the attachment below:
The National Budget which is a revenue and expenditure plan prepared by the government of Zimbabwe for the coming fiscal year. Ideally, the National Budget should guarantee the realisation of the varying rights, needs and aspirations of citizens, particularly the poor and vulnerable, including women, children, people with disabilities and the elderly. The 2021 National Budget was presented before the House of Assembly by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on the 26 of November, 2020 under the theme “Building resilience and Sustainable Economic Recovery”. The National Budget will be followed by the approval by Parliament of Zimbabwe paving way for its implementation. The 2021 National Budget marks the beginning of the implementation of the National Development Strategy 1(NDS1) 2021 – 2025. Every year, we mobilise Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the general citizenry to effectively participate in all the four stages of the budget cycle which are formulation, approval, implementation and audit. NANGO, is alive to the fact that budgets should be from people, by people and for people. The involvement of citizens in the national budget process is derived from section 141 of the constitution which mandates the Parliament of Zimbabwe to a) facilitate public involvement in its legislative and other processes and in the processes of its committees; b) ensure that interested parties are consulted about Bills being considered by Parliament of Zimbabwe, unless such consultation is inappropriate or impracticable. Meaningful involvement and effective participation of general citizenry and marginalized groups in the national budget processes ideally guarantees the advancement, realisation and enjoyment of their social, economic, political, environmental, and cultural rights. This is key to ensure that the National Budget as a public policy becomes pro-people and pro-poor. In addition to this, Section 13 (2) of the constitution provides for the involvement of citizens in the formulation and implementation of development programmes and projects that affect them. To read more, download the attached document.
NANGO held a multi-stakeholder Indaba on Understanding the Process and Implementation of the Africa Governance Architecture (AGA) and Africa Charter for Democracy, Election and Governance (ACDEG). As the indaba addressed a myriad of issues, leaders of organisations championing disability inclusion expressed concern at the exclusion of disability sector in governance and election processes. It was pointed out that as NANGO directs its focus towards the looming plebiscite, the umbrella body should ensure that all processes are accessible to people different disabilities. Zimbabwe Election Support Network was applauded for its efforts to push Zimbabwe Election Commission to package its information differently. There are concerns that the information must be in braille, audios youth friendly and citizen friendly. The indaba followed a meeting that was organised by SADC-CNGO and attended by NANGO members. CSOs were familiarised with the AGA and ACEDG frameworks and how they are relevant. NANGO places value in taking stock of progress in Zimbabwe building up an engagement strategy to influence domestication of the instruments by the government of Zimbabwe. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) that attended the indaba concurred that there is need to develop a foundation of good governance and to translate the policy documents to local languages and make them understandable to every citizens. The NANGO National Youth Sector Chairperson and National Association of Youth Organizations Director, Misheck Gondo documented feedback as he had attended the conference from 14 – 16 March 2018 in Boksburg, South Africa.